Center for Resilience and Sustainable Africa (CEFRESA) is a public benefit organization that actively employs community driven actions to foster inclusive and sustainable Food Security, Climate Change, Environmental Justice and conservation methods.
The aim is to alleviate poverty by using innovation to respond to challenges through a comprehensive, contextualized and integrated interventions. As the organization focuses to improve food security, eliminate poverty and protect the environment to stimulate economic growth and sustainable development, partnership and stakeholder engagement is a strategic norm – building interconnected bridges of hope for local communities to self-realize and actively participate in overall development. Since the establishment of the organization in the year 2020, the organization is empowering local communities to build their resilience and ensure their transformation is holistic, sustainable and long-lasting initiatives through awareness, trainings, and policy advocacy with local and national duty bearers and right holders.
Full organization registration and started operations.
Capacity building of 150 women in financial literacy, entrepreneurship, alternative livelihood and GBV reporting as an avenue to diversify income
opportunities to hence cushioning them against climate shocks.
Promoting urban and peri urban food security through food systems awareness outreaches, kitchen gardening and farmer support services benefitting over 500 households.
Engaged over 200 students in 6 schools increasing their knowledge, inspire attitude change and encourage practice through Student Climate Action
Champions (SCAC).
Amplified and celebrated the work of grassroots women climate change champions in Mombasa during the International Women’s Day.
Developed Mombasa County Climate Change Policy popular version that was critical in county assembly discussions leading to passing of the climate change policy 2021. It has also been used to capacity build over 500 community members through a robust climate education plan.
Introduction of Triple E (Engage, Educate, Empower) Podcast that will host climate change related perspectives and Shibe Drive E-Magazine that will
continue to inspire actions towards food security in the region.
- Transparency and Accountability
- Collaboration
- Adaptability
- Responsiveness
- Inclusivity
Center for Resilience and Sustainable Africa’s strategic decision
are led by a 9 member board comprised by 3 men and 6 women
from multiple professions with rich experience that complements their work. Mr. George Ouma, the Board Chair, is a collaborative policy and advocacy specialist, partnership and management, influencing and shaping global, regional, & national policies, strategies and plans.
The entire team consists of a rich blend of project managers, environmentalists, development practitioners, M&E specialists gender advocates and human resource expert.